On 29 сен, 02:15, Tony Mechelynck <antoine.mechely...@gmail.com>
> On 28/09/09 22:06, Maxim Kim wrote:
> > My settings are:
> > :set enc? tenc?
> > encoding=utf-8
> > termencoding=cp866
> I'm not sure.
> - IIUC, typing
>         echo Здравствуйте мир!
          echo Здравствуй мир!
sounds better. :)
> at the cmd.exe prompt works OK (echoes the correct Russian greeting in
> reply) and the result can be pasted (but not into Vim)?

> - Does it make a difference if you leave 'termencoding' empty?
No. I tried different termencodings (empty too) with no visible

> - Are you sure your console uses cp866? The email I'm replying to was in
> koi8-r.
I am not 100% sure it is cp866 but I use WinXP. Is there a way I can
what encoding it uses? Btw I do not setup termencoding in _vimrc so it
is vim
makes termencoding=cp866.

> Until (or unless) this issue is resolved, you ought to be able to use
> gvim (with the same settings), where anything can be stored in memory
> (as a UTF-8 bytestring) and displayed in the GUI in some well-chosen
> font.
I usually do use gVim but sometimes console vim comes in handy.
(commiting to
svn, hg etc). I have no encoding problems with gVim but consVim.


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