On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> writes:
>> My .vimrc is posted below... is there something there that is blocking
>> the ruler from being displayed.
> Never mind... I found the culprit.
>   laststatus=2
> I must have had that commented out at some time.. Setting it to 0
> gives me what I'm used to.  I'm not sure why it knocked out the line
> numbers and column number completely, according to :h laststatus...it
> shouldn't have... but with it set to 2 it gave me a status bar that
> only showed percent at the far right.

That just means that you (or a plugin you load) also changed the
'statusline' option to not include the line numbering.  'laststatus'
just affects whether a statusline or a ruler is shown, the
'statusline' option controls what's shown on the statusline(s), and
the 'rulerformat' option controls what's shown on the ruler.


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