On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Reckoner <recko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to do something like:
> :g/\(\w+\) .*/python foo(\1)
> and then have all the matching lines changed to the output of the
> python foo() function?
> For example,
> +--------------------------------
> we are on line one
> we are on line two
> +--------------------------------
> and given
> def foo(x): return len(x)
> we get
> 2 are on line one
> 2 are on line two
> since the matching part ("we") has two letters.
> I hope that made some sense.
> The main thing is to somehow pull out the matching part in the \(\w+\)
> and feed it into some other Python function.

You can't call python code in an expression, so you have to "push" the
result in as a Vim variable and use the variable. Try something like
this (untested):

:g/\(\w+\) .*/CallFoo(submatch(1))

func! CallFoo(arg)
  let g:foo_arg = a:arg
  python foo()
  return g:foo_result

def foo(x):
  vim.command('let g:foo_result = '+str(len(vim.eval('g:foo_arg')))

A pyeval() function will be nice.


> Thanks in advance.
> >

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