On 20/10/09 03:22, bill lam wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
>> @bill lam: I am not at all convinced that "everyone on Linux uses UTF-8"
>> and also not that "no one uses it with a BOM". These assertions sound to
>> me like wishful thinking, overgeneralizations, and the same sort of
> There are of course some who intentionally use utf8 with bom in linux,
> you yourself might already an example. But sooner or later they will
> hit the wall.

What makes you think so? On the contrary, I believe that use of a BOM 
with any Unicode text (including UTF-8) will become more frequent as 
conformant applications become the rule rather than the exception.

On attentively reading that Unicode FAQ, I notice that the use of a BOM 
as a "signature" that Unicode (including UTF-8) is being used, is 
mentioned repeatedly; that problems issue from using a BOM with programs 
which don't know Unicode at all but assume ASCII or ISO-87859-1 
(including bash and maybe gcc), that XML or HTML parsers "don't (yet) 
all" understand a BOM at the start of a file -- but in my experience 
modern ones do, including all the browsers I use.

Best regards,
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never
learned to walk.
                -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

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