setog3 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am starting a PhD and I need a tool to take notes and organize
> them.  My
> editor is vim since a while, so why not using vim for this.  To
> organize my
> notes, I was thinking of a wiki; so I try the viki script, which works
> fine,
> but I want to know what do you think about it?  Should I use a real
> wiki, and
> edit each page with vim ? Should I continue to viki ? Something else
> (wikipediafs,zim editor, another text based wiki : dokuwiki, moinmoin
> wiki, hatta ?) ?

There are many solutions for this, each with its advantages and 
disadvantages. One possible solution is to use Hari Krishna Dara's 
"Notes" plugin to manage and search your notes...

...and the "Txtfmt" plugin... highlight them. Txtfmt provides a sort of "rich text" capability 
(foreground/background colors, bold, underline, italic, etc...). 
Alternatively, since the Notes plugin allows you to configure the 
filetype to whatever you like, you could use some sort of wiki markup 
language to highlight your notes. Others may be more familiar with some 
of the wiki-based solutions...

Brett Stahlman


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