On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:24 PM, Jason wrote:
> I would like to set the initial window size and position of Gvim in
> Ubuntu. In my .vimrc file, I have:
> if has("gui_running")
>  " GUI is running or is about to start.
>  " Maximize gvim window.
>  set lines=99 columns=100

This should work; I'm not sure why it wouldn't...  something in a
gvimrc or plugin might be overriding it?

> else
>  " This is console Vim.
>  if exists("+lines")
>    set lines=99
>  endif
>  if exists("+columns")
>    set columns=100
>  endif
> endif

The above part, though, is pretty dangerous...  In some terminals,
that will work, but in others (linux console, gnu screen, etc) it will
render vim virtually unusable.


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