On 2009-11-17, Peng Yu wrote:
> $ grep -H -n if /etc/profile>/tmp/grep_output.txt
> $ cat /tmp/grep_output.txt
> /etc/profile:4:if [ -d /etc/profile.d ]; then
> /etc/profile:6:    if [ -r $i ]; then
> /etc/profile:13:if [ "$PS1" ]; then
> /etc/profile:14:  if [ "$BASH" ]; then
> /etc/profile:16:    if [ -f /etc/bash.bashrc ]; then
> /etc/profile:20:    if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
> $ gvim /tmp/grep_output.txt
> Now, I want to double click a line in 'grep_output.txt' so that gvim
> will automatically bring me the corresponding file and line. I'm
> wondering how to do so.
> P.S. Similar things can be done when I use ':make', in which cases
> gvim can bring me to the error line.

As usual, there are several ways to do this.  The easiest is to
dispense with the temporary file and invoke your grep command from
within vim: 

    :grep if /etc/profile

The results go into the quickfix list just as they do when you
execute ":make".  See

    :help grep

Vim takes care of supplying the right arguments to grep and
constructing the command line so that you don't need to supply the
-H or -n options yourself.

If you already have the temporary file loaded into a buffer in vim,
you can move the cursor to the start of any of the lines and type


to jump to that file and line number.


does the same but opens the file in a new window.  See

    :help gF
    :help CTRL-W_F

A third way, that uses both the temporary file and the quickfix
list, is to open your temporary file like this:

    gvim --cmd 'let &efm=&gfm' -q /tmp/grep_output.txt


    :help -q

Since the -q option uses the 'errorformat' ('efm') to parse the
error file, and since 'errorformat' matches the output of a
compiler, not of grep, you need to assign the value of
'grepformat' ('gfm') to 'errorformat' before opening an error file
containing the output of a grep command.

For other ways to get data into the quickfix list, see

    :help :cf
    :help :cb

As for jumping to a line by double clicking on the file name and
line number, see

    :help double-click

for an example of mapping a double click to the operation of your


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