On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Brett Stahlman wrote:
> On Jan 12, 8:06 am, Paul <google01...@rainslide.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 07:32:54AM -0600, Stahlman Family wrote:
>> > What does :echo colors_name show before you edit the perl file?
>> When I start vim with no arguments, both :echo colors_name and :echo 
>> g:colors_name show:
>> E121: Undefined variable: colors_name
>> E15: Invalid expression: colors_name
>> >You can also do...
>> >:verbose hi PreProc
>> >...to see where the highlighting is being defined.
>> PreProc        xxx term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=4 guifg=#ff80ff
>>         Last set from /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/syncolor.vim
> The #ff80ff is magenta, if I'm not mistaken. Not sure how you would be
> seeing blue...
>> Aha! I changed the colour scheme from the default, but this time I was able 
>> to restore the default colours by either sourcing that file, or, as the 
>> comments in it tell, :syntax reset! (sans exclamation mark)
>> I guess the default colour scheme in vim doesn't have a name.
> Not unless you set it explicitly: i.e., if you obtain the default
> simply by starting Vim and never running :colorscheme, you get the
> default settings, but g:colors_name is not set. When you run
> `:colorscheme default', on the other hand, Vim sources default.vim,
> which does a :hi clear and :syntax reset, *and* sets colors_name =
> "default".

Keep in mind that there are two different default colorschemes,
depending on the 'bg' setting.  The 'pablo' colorscheme changes 'bg'
to dark, so it's possible that doing ":colorscheme default" after
loading pablo will load a different "default" than the "default
default" - it could load the dark-background default instead of the
light-background one.

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