
Athunye wrote:
> I have this little script:
> function! VS()
>     let mypath = '~/public_html/jeditux.home/vim_sessions/'
>     let ans = input('Session name: ', mypath, 'file')
>     execute ':source ' ans
> endfunction
> http://vim.pastey.net/132026
> In the line 'let ans = input ... ... ' I had to include the path
> because otherwise the script would attempt
> to complete filenames from the current dir I am, not the dir with the
> vim saved sessions.
> I need a way to make the script not show the path when asking for
> 'Session name', just to make it more
> clear for when I'm typing the file name.
> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

you can define your own custom completion function which can take care of
removing the paths, e.g.:

    let s:CompletionPath = ''

    function! CompleteFromPath(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
        let files = split(glob(s:CompletionPath . '*'), "\n")
        call map(files, 'substitute(v:val, ".*/", "", "")')
        return join(files, "\n")

    function! VS()
        let s:CompletionPath = '~/public_html/jeditux.home/vim_sessions/'
        let ans = input('Session name: ', '', 'custom,CompleteFromPath')
        execute ':source ' . s:CompletionPath . ans


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