Am 20.02.2010 07:30, schrieb KKde:
Hi folks,

I'm seeing a strange behaviour of normal comand.

Let's say I have the below function.

function! NormalNTest()
     let saveCursor = getpos('.')
     "call setpos([0, 1, 1, 0 ] )
     normal gg
     call setpos('.', saveCursor)
     echohl Special | echon "hi" |echohl None
     echon ' vim_use'

now I defined a map like

map ,vi :call NormalNTest()<CR>

Let say I opened some text file and run map ,vi. It displays "hi
vim_use". Now I move the cursor in my text file using any motion
commands. Let's say, I moved forward to the next page then I ran
map ,vi. It doesn't display the output :( . Again if I ran map ,vi at
the same location it will show.

When the output isn't displayed the screen slightly flickers. If I
replace the normal gg statement with call setpos([0, 1, 1, 0 ] ) then
it works fine without any problems.

Why with normal gg it isn't working as expected?


When you move around in the buffer, the command-line area may be cleared.
Try prepending the first :echo command with a


Don't worry, unlike :redraw!, :redraw doesn't flicker.

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