On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 7:11 AM, Andy Wokula <anw...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> Am 27.02.2010 05:39, schrieb Matt Wozniski:
>> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 5:23 PM, Jean Johner<jean.joh...@cea.fr>  wrote:
>>> On Feb 26, 6:58 pm, Ben Fritz<fritzophre...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> 2. Re-map CTRL-F/CTRL-B with an :nnoremap command that issues the
>>>> command, then scrolls by 1 line with CTRL-Y/CTRL-E in the correct
>>>> direction to get the desired amount of context.
>>> Hi Ben,
>>> CTRL-F CTRL-E does the job but the transition is visible on a slow
>>> connection (VPN).
>>> For CTRL-D, it is more complicated since it depends on the vertical
>>> dimension of the screen.
>>> It is nevertheless surprising that, in a code where everything can be
>>> configured, this two lines overlap between screens seems to be set in
>>> stone.
>> Perhaps make the map call a function that ensures 'lazyredraw' is set
>> while scrolling.  This seems to do the trick, afaics, and has no
>> noticeable delay over the slowest connection I can get.
>> ~Matt
>> function! s:ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset(dir, insert)
>>   let savelz =&lz
>>   set lazyredraw
>>   try
>>     if a:dir>  0&&  a:insert
>>       return "\<PageDown>\<C-o>\<C-e>"
>>     elseif a:dir>  0
>>       return "\<PageDown>\<C-e>"
>>     elseif a:insert
>>       return "\<PageUp>\<C-o>\<C-y>"
>>     else
>>       return "\<PageUp>\<C-y>"
>>     endif
>>   finally
>>     let&lz = savelz
>>   endtry
>> endfunction
>> noremap<expr>  <C-b>       <SID>ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset(-1, 0)
>> noremap<expr>  <PageUp>    <SID>ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset(-1, 0)
>> noremap<expr>  <C-f>       <SID>ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset( 1, 0)
>> noremap<expr>  <PageDown>  <SID>ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset( 1, 0)
>> inoremap<expr>  <C-b>       <SID>ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset(-1, 1)
>> inoremap<expr>  <PageUp>    <SID>ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset(-1, 1)
>> inoremap<expr>  <C-f>       <SID>ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset( 1, 1)
>> inoremap<expr>  <PageDown>  <SID>ScrollLeavingOneLineOffset( 1, 1)
> Can this work?
> The actual scroll commands are executed after lazyredraw has been
> restored.

Aha, that must have been why it didn't work for the OP but worked for
me - I have lazyredraw set all the time, and didn't notice the bug.
Well, that's one mystery solved.  :-)


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