On 13/02/10 09:03, Anthony Campbell wrote:
On 12 Feb 2010, Michael Henry wrote:


You get all that for free on this mailing list, for which I was
just being thankful :-)

Michael Henry

Quite agree about that. I was just curious about the reason for
compiling it oneself.


Several reasons have already been mentioned:
        - applying Bram's latest patches
        - including (and/or excluding) features of your choice
- including nonstandard patches of your choice (Vince Negri's ownsyntax/conceal, Bill McCarthy's extra float functions, variable tabstops, ...)

I'll add another one:
- making sure of not getting "distro-specific" patches (not approved by Bram) or a "distro-specific" system vimrc slipped in without being told of it. (Some distros are famous for "enhancing" some software packages in ways the upstream maintainer(s) disapprove.)

Best regards,
All other things being equal, a bald man cannot be elected President of
the United States.
                -- Vic Gold

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