Thanks a lot for the reply, this should get me started :)


On 2010-04-12 12:05, Jürgen Krämer wrote:

[Quoting reordered]

Benoit Thomas wrote:
On 2010-04-12 11:07, Jürgen Krämer wrote:
Benoit Thomas wrote:

I've done my own color scheme file, which work great. However, when I
tried to use variable instead of color name or color number (#000000) it
doesn't work and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

For example, I want to do something like this:

" Text color is black.
let s:text = "#000000"
hi Normal guifg=s:text

make this

    exe 'hi Normal guifg=' . s:text
Thanks, works great.

However, is there a more "elegant" way of doing this ? Otherwise I'll
end up doing :

exe 'hi Normal gui=' . s:text_style . ' guifg=' . s:text_fg . ' guibg='
. s:text_bg

which may become hard to read.
I don't think so, but if you need this more often you can write a short
helper function and call this, e.g.,

   function! MyHighlight(group, style, fg, bg)
     exe 'hi' a:group 'gui=' . a:style 'guifg=' . a:fg 'guibg=' . a:bg

   call MyHighlight('Normal', 'NONE', '#000000', '#ffffff')
   call MyHighlight('Search', 'bold', '#990000', '#ffffff')
   " ...

Note that in the "exe"-line some parts are concatenated with a dot and
some are not. In the latter case Vim automatically inserts a space
between these parts, so you can save yourself some typing and make the
command a litte bit easier to read.

If you want the function to accept empty strings whenever you don't want
to provide an argument you now have a central place:

   function! MyHighlight(group, style, fg, bg)
     exe 'hi' a:group
       \ . ' ' . (a:style != '' ? 'gui='   . a:style : '')
       \ . ' ' . (a:fg    != '' ? 'guifg=' . a:fg    : '')
       \ . ' ' . (a:bg    != '' ? 'guibg=' . a:bg    : '')

   call MyHighlight('Normal', '',     '#000000', '')
   call MyHighlight('Search', 'bold', '#990000', '')
   " ...

(Because of the use of the ternary operator ?: I had to use parentheses
around the different parts. This again made it necessary to insert the
spaces before every part by myself.)


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