On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 2:29 AM, Ciss <pechorin.and...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think what i can't create new thread in vim dev channel.
> Please, maybe anyone transfer my suggest to vim developers?

Perhaps you're not a member of the vim_dev group?
I tried building Vim with Ruby 1.9 on Windows a few weeks ago. Unlike
Ruby 1.8, it simply wasn't possible with the MSVC compiler, because
1.9 came with include files and libs for MinGW only.
Vim can be built with either MSVC or MinGW, but the official Windows
builds have always been built with MSVC.
It'd certainly be nice to have Ruby 1.9 be the default.
/George V. Reilly  geo...@reilly.org  Twitter: @georgevreilly
http://www.georgevreilly.com/blog  http://blogs.cozi.com/tech

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