On Jul 1, 7:34 am, Sven Eppler <s...@sveneppler.de> wrote:
>  the deleted characters are
> not removed from the screen. Only when leaving insert-mode or switch
> lines the screen will get updated and the deleted characters will
> vanish from the screen.

That's ancient vi behaviour; you've somehow got vim running in vi
compatible mode.  See :help compatible.  Try

    :verbose set cp?

to see where it's being set.

If your vim came from the repositories I'd expect it to have run /usr/
share/vim/vim70/debian.vim, which usually has set nocompatible; in its
absence moving your .vimrc is one way to get compatible mode; if vim
finds a .vimrc it sets nocompatible.

BTW, 7.0 is a bit old, there have been hundreds of fixes since then.
Building your own vim is easy on Debian.  Hmm, the ftp server for vim
doesn't have 300 patches for 7.0, maybe you've actually got 7.1 or

Regards, John

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