On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 11:36:41AM +0200, Marc Weber wrote:
> I map m-1 m-2 to tab 1,2 etc. This way I have O(1) access to 3 files or
> more I'm currently focusing on.
> " m-X key jump to tab X
> for i in range(1,8)
>   exec 'map <m-'.i.'> '.i.'gt'
> endfor

I have similar bindings.

However :b also works with partial buffer names. So if you have
three buffers called "first", "second", "third" :b f is enough to
go to the first. Combined with :ls (and some knowledge about
opened buffers) this allows very quick access.

If you often have to go to the next buffer, these mappings might
come in handy as well (but if it's something to be done on all
buffers better use a macro or :bufdo):

    nmap <silent> gb :bnext<CR>
    nmap <silent> gB :bprev<CR>

> They may be helpful to you as well.
> Marc Weber

Hope this helps,
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