On 24/08/10 13:58, Martin Braun wrote:

using 7.2, I have the following problem:

All the 'highlight' commands in my .vimrc seem to get overridden by the

I have the following commands in my .vimrc, slightly abbreviated:

colorscheme delek
highlight WhiteSpaceEOL ctermbg=darkgreen guibg=lightgreen
match WhiteSpaceEOL /\s\+$/
highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=#592929
match OverLength /\%81v.\+/

Deleting the 'colorscheme' command helps; but of course I don't want to
use the standard one. It seems like syntax highlighting is not a

Can anyone give me some pointers how to fix this? Or do I have to make
my own colorscheme? I'd prefer not to; sometimes I switch it--but I also
think having the 'highlight' commands after the colorscheme command
should be OK.


Most colorschemes will start by clearing all highlighting.

- If you want to set :hi colors in your vimrc, make sure that they are used _after_ the :colorscheme command

- The :match command is window-local (but continues to apply if you edit a different file in the same window).

- Don't reinvent the wheel:
  - instead of WhiteSpaceEOL, you could use:
        :set list listchars=tab:\|_,trail:<,eol:ΒΆ
                * tab: must be used if you don't want hard tabs
                displayed as ^I. What I've put here will display each
                hard tab as one | followed by zero or more _
                characters, in blue (or in whatever your colorscheme
                sets for the SpecialKey highlight group). If you want
                tabs-as-specas, use "tab:\ \ " (without the quotes).
                * trail: defines one character which will be used for
                all trailing spaces (and highlighted as SpecialKey).
                * eol: defines one character which will be used to show
                the end of the line (and highlighted as NonText). If you
                don't define one you'll get a dollar sign. If you don't
                want an explicit end-of-line marker, use a backslash-
                escaped space.
    You may feel that using both trail: and eol: is redundant.
    See :help 'listchars' for details.
- instead of OverLength, you may want to use the new 'colorcolumn' option (which, however, is new in Vim 7.3, so you would have to upgrade first).

Best regards,
There can be no twisted thought without a twisted molecule.
                -- R. W. Gerard

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