On 07/10/10 00:30, esquifit wrote:

On 6 Oct, 21:54, Tony Mechelynck<antoine.mechely...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Did you read the Vim Tips Wiki link I gave you?
http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Working_with_Unicodeand in particular

Vim is largely cross-platform, but the various OSes have different
idiosyncrasies, and in particular, different customs about setting
locales: for instance, under Linux I see en_US.UTF-8 as my locale, but
under Windows it used to be French_Belgium.1252, which means an fr_BE
locale using the Windows-1252 charset. For some reason Windows requires
the charset part of the locale to be numeric (the "code page" for
Unicode is 10646 IIUC, and I'm not sure whether that means UTF-8 or
UTF-16le). Vim will use UTF-8 internally if 'encoding' is set to some
variant of UTF-16 or UTF-32, because these use a lot of null bytes as
part of the words or doublewords representing non-null codepoints, and
that is incompatible with the null-terminated C strings used by Vim; but
if 'fileencoding' is empty, Vim will use the actual value of 'encoding'
even if that means converting between UTF-8 (used internally in place of
something else) and, let's say, UTF-16le (used on disk).

So Vim for Linux will often work in Unicode "out of the box" because
that's what the OS had already set, while Vim for Windows has to set it
explicitly. But a common vimrc will, in this respect, work for both (it
did for me, when I was running double-boot W98 and Linux).

Yes, I did it before I posted my original question here. Thank you
very much again.
Unfortunately I must be very stupid because I still don't get it.

About the differences between :set, :setglobal and :setlocal, see
         :help set-option        " (the whole list of commands)
         :help set-verbose
         :help local-options
         :help :setlocal
         :help :setglobal
         :help global-local

With Vim, everything is in the help, but sometimes you get a kind of
needle-and-haystack feeling out of it. See the first 150 or so lines in
:help helphelp.txt about how to domesticate that feeling.

I read the help immediately, I didn't know about that before. This one
was easy :)

On a related note: is it possible to set different fonts in
different vim windows/tabs within a single application window? (I
could define an autocommand to restore the default font, but there is
another situation in which this would not be a solution).

No. In gvim the 'guifont' option is global, and in Console Vim the font
is set by the underlying terminal to a single font for the whole screen.

I see. Actually, the 'only' thing I find annoying is the following:
I am comfortable with a 9pt font for English and German, but I need
something bigger for Japanese. When I work with Japanese and Western
languages simultaneously (in different windows) I have to manually
change the font every time that I switch from a window with Japanese
text to another one with English, and viceversa.
Never mind. I'm suspecting I will be able to read minuscule kanjis
long before I am able to understand the inner workings of vim and its
encoding mysteries.

Well, you might add the following in your vimrc:

 if has('gui_running')
  if has('gui_gtk2')
   set gfn=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 9
   map <F9> :set gfn=FZFangSong<Bslash> 12<CR>
   map <S-F9> :set gfn=DejaVu<Bslash> Sans<Bslash> Mono<Bslash> 9<CR>
  elseif has('x11')
   set gfn=-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-90-*-*-m-*-*
   map <F9> :set gfn=-*-fangsong-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-*<CR>
   map <S-F9>
   \ :set gfn=-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-90-*-*-m-*-*<CR>
   set gfn=Courier_New:h9:cDEFAULT
   map <F9> :set gfn=MS_Mincho:h12:cDEFAULT<CR>
   map <S-F9> :set gfn=Courier_New:h9:cDEFAULT<CR>

The continuation line (the line whose first nonspace is a backslash) near the middle is to ensure that this code snippet won't be scrambled by "beautifying" mail clients. You may leave it as-is.

I've tried to mention fonts usually installed on the appropriate platforms, but you may have to experiment, especially if ever you find yourself on non-GTK2 gvim for X11. Also, for the sake of simplicity, the above omits kvim (which is long obsolete) and gvim with Photon GUI (which I think you have less chance of encountering). It also omits MacVim (which I don't know how to handle). The order of the if / elseif / else parts is important because gvim for GTK2 runs on X11 but requires a different 'guifont' setting than "other" gvim builds for X11.

With the above mappings (or similar ones), in gvim, hit F9 (in Normal mode) to set "CJK font", Shift-F9 for "Latin font". You may or may not have to change 'lines' and 'columns' manually afterwards, or to maximize gvim.

Best regards,
CART DRIVER: Bring out your dead!
LARGE MAN:   Here's one!
CART DRIVER: Ninepence.
BODY:        I'm not dead!
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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