Reply to message «Re: AX: change letters on the fly», 
sent 11:35:23 29 December 2010, Wednesday
by rameo:

Looks like just another reason not to use google groups (others are «editing» 
messages (it is not possible on mailing list), autowrap, unicode->ascii 
translations, e-mail stripping, interface inconveniences).

By the way, if you will ever use Gentoo bugzilla, note that it also has this 

Original message:
> On Dec 28, 6:49 pm, ZyX <> wrote:
> > By the way, why do I get lots of copies of all your messages? I heard
> > that it can be because you edit your messages in Google groups, but I do
> > not see any differencies between this message and its copy.
> Yes I noted it also.
> Maybe because after sending a message in google groups, I keep the
> page in my browser to see the reactions.
> When I refresh of the page it add a message at the bottom of the
> thread.

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