Am 06.04.2011 20:05, schrieb Tim Chase:
On 04/06/2011 12:50 PM, Christian Brabandt wrote:
? n n n n searches repeatedly backwards. Then hit N to
search forward, and n to search backward again.

I *know* that. Just my fingers...

(When I navigate code and jump around a lot, I tend to forget,
in which direction I originally searched. I usually only know
that I want to move downwards, so I hit 'n' and I hate when
Vim moves upwards...)

And the only thing worse than expecting "n" to move downwards only to have it 
move upwards is having a file that's so similar (such as a long tab/CSV file) where you 
can't readily tell whether you've gone up or down :)

I confess, while Vim has a profusion of options, that's one I wouldn't mind seeing...something that 
toggled between "n means next in the same search-direction as last time" and "n 
means search downward in the file". I suppose I could do something like

:nnoremap n /<cr>
:nnoremap N ?<cr>

if it really bugged me that much.

Heh, around 2007 I almost got a headache around this ...

* what's wrong with "n" and "N"
  After "d//e" (delete to end of match), "n" (from now on) moves to the
  _end_ of the next match, which has become the last search pattern (not
  wanted!); also I want "n" to always go forward and "N" go backward
* Solution:
        :no n //<cr>
        :no N ??<cr>
  Problem: First item in the search history ("/" + "Ctrl-P") now is "//" and
  not the last search string, I have to press Ctrl-P again (annoying,
  because "//" is useless)
* Solution:
        :no <silent> n //<cr>:call histdel('/',-1)<cr>
        :no <silent> N ??<cr>:call histdel('/',-1)<cr>
  Problem: The current search string is no longer echoed (but with <silent>
  omitted, ":call histdel(..." will be echoed, even worse).
* Solution:
        :no <silent> n //<cr>:call histdel('/',-1)<bar>echo 
        :no <silent> N ??<cr>:call histdel('/',-1)<bar>echo 
  Problem: The message "search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP" is overwritten
  by the explicit echo.
* Solution:
        :no <script> n //<cr><sid>histdel
        :no <script> N ??<cr><sid>histdel
        :no <silent> <sid>histdel :call histdel('/',-1)<cr>
  Problem: Doesn't work for Visual mode. [21-10-2007]
* Solution:
        :no <script> n //<cr><sid>histdel
        :no <script> N ??<cr><sid>histdel
        :nn <silent> <sid>histdel :call histdel('/',-1)<cr>
        :vn <silent> <sid>histdel :<c-u>call histdel('/',-1)<cr>gv
  Problem: In Visual mode this produces flickering, Command-line turns
  Visual mode off when pressing Enter).
* Solution:
        :no <script> n //<cr><sid>histdel
        :no <script> N ??<cr><sid>histdel

        :nn <silent> <sid>histdel :call<sid>histdel(0)<cr>
        :vn <silent> <sid>histdel :<c-u>call<sid>histdel(1)<cr>

        :func! <sid>histdel(vmode)
        :    if a:vmode
        :       normal! gv
        :    endif
        :    call histdel('/',-1)
  Problem: If cursor is at `> in Visual mode and `< is not on screen, cursor
  positioning is like after doing "oo" (flip to `< and back).
* Solution:
  I thought
        :vn <silent> <sid>histdel :<c-u>call<sid>histdel(1, line("w0"))<cr>
  could help restoring the old position, but it fails.
  Although the cursor is at `>, line("w0") always refers to `<, why?

(didn't further investigate here)

What I have now in the vimrc:

ono m //e<CR>
xn <script> m //e<SID>SelOff<CR>
cno <expr> <SID>SelOff &sel=="exclusive" ? "+1" : ""
" do the right thing after o_//e and .
no <script> n //<CR><SID>HistDel
no <script> N ??<CR><SID>HistDel
sunm n|sunm N
nn <silent> <SID>HistDel :call<sid>HistDel(0)<CR>
vn <silent> <SID>HistDel :<C-U>call<sid>HistDel(1)<CR>
ino <silent> <SID>HistDel <C-R>=<sid>HistDel(0)<CR>
func! <sid>HistDel(vmode)
    if a:vmode
        normal! gv
    call histdel('/', -1)
    return ""


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