On 2011-04-13, ZyX wrote:
> Reply to message «Re: Inserting output of Ex command into buffer», 
> sent 05:32:06 13 April 2011, Wednesday
> by Charles E Campbell Jr:

> > Spiros Bousbouras wrote:
> > > [snip]
> > > I would prefer a vsystem() function (vim system) or whatever
> > > you want to call it so that for example you could do
> > > ^R=vsystem("swapname")
> > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > Why not try your hand at writing a function  to do that?  Admittedly, it
> > would have to begin with a capital letter.

> It is not possible: Vsystem("redir @a> | echom 'abc' | redir END") won't work.

If one were writing a function as Chip suggested, one would put the
redir commands in the body of the function, not in the argument.


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