
> Error detected while processing function tskeleton#Setup: 
> line   10: 
> Unknown skeleton: php.php 

Oops. The current version assumes that you also have 
http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=11545 installed (a set 
of standard templates). These files were originally distributed with 
tskeleton. I'll upload a new version of the plugin that doesn't assume those 
files are available.

I did manage to figure another error I was getting as I guess the file 
> has to be saved before I can use my TSkeletonBit 

It might have been a problem with an earlier version but it shouldn't be a 
problem any more. I'd appreciate if you could describe in detail (maybe in a 
personal mail or via the bug tracker 
https://github.com/tomtom/tskeleton_vim/issues) how you trigger that error. 


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