Tim Chase wrote:
I tried http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=8798
which is DrawIT and received mutiple errors (not necesarilly due
to an error in the script?).

I see Dr. Chip authored the DrawIT script. He's pretty active both in keeping his scripts up to date and participating here on the list, so if you include details on whatever error you're getting, it may help [mostly Dr. Chip] diagnose what's going on (and possibly how to fix it).
I haven't had a DrawIt bug report for awhile.  Some suggestions:

* use v11l from http://drchip.0sites.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#DRAWIT -- that's the most recent one (that's version eleven, letter "l") * if the problem persists with v11l, please let me know what your settings are (ie. from your .vimrc). Often problems are due to settings you use that I don't or vice versa. * DrawIt does use the keypad: are you using vim or gvim? Try using gvim; if the problem disappears, then its possible that vim isn't understanding your keypad (ie. its a terminal problem).
  * make sure your "NumLock" key is off

Chip Campbell

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