On 2011-12-15 17:06, Ben Fritz wrote:

On Dec 14, 8:55 pm, John Little<john.b.lit...@gmail.com>  wrote:
BPJ asked:

How do I do to get back to (roughly) the same line in
the file as I was on after executing a filter command
on the whole file?

Paul answered:

ctrl-i and ctrl-o will take you through the jump list.

But you may have to first use m' to ensure the current position is in
the jumplist.  So

After some experimentation, I like this best:


(why use CTRL-O for a single jump to the ' mark?)

Note you could also use any of the a-z marks instead of '.

Thanks all!

I was under the apparently false impression that marks
were destroyed by filtering the whole buffer -- probably
because the filter I first tried mangled the contents
too much.


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