David Gomes, Tue 2012-02-14 @ 17:50:57+0000:
> No, my mistake, this is what I put:
> " Select text with keyboard like in Gtk Apps
> :noremap <C-S-Up> V{j
> :noremap <C-S-Down> V}k

Are you using GVim or terminal Vim? A lot of terminals won't deal with
modified cursor keys very well. If that's the case for you, you might
have to use a different key combination for the mapping.

Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. It works for me, with
the small exception that it gets confused if you use <C-S-Up> at the
very top of the buffer or <C-S-Down> at the very bottom. That could be
handled by having the mappings call a function which detects those
special cases and handles them differently (basically, by omitting the
`k` and `j` at the end of the normal-mode commands).

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