I want to edit snippet file in a new split window instead of current window.
Because edit in current window will close current file.

bellowing is a solution to solve this:
But I do not know how to use variable &filetype behind command 
If you have any idea, please tell me, thanks very much.

    " FIXME function to open snippet edit in a vertical split or tab.
    function! EditNeoSnippets()
        let current_ft = &filetype
        :NeoComplCacheEditSnippets &current_ft<CR>

    nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>es :call EditNeoSnippets()<CR>

[ stardiviner ] ^^&^^ {I hate all of you !  Leave me alone}
IRC(freeenode): Evanescence \\ Twitter:  @numbchild \\
GnuPG Key fingerprint
    >>> 9BAA 92BC CDDD B9EF 3B36  CB99 B8C4 B8E5 47C3 2433

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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