
On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Andy Wokula wrote:
> > While I'm sure I could come up with a vim script to do all of
> > this, I'd very much prefer to use something already done. My vim
> > script skills are waaaay rusty and why reinvent a wheel (badly at
> > that). Even better would to achieve this (or some close
> > approximation) using vim options.
> The following is from the help:
> => what you want should be possible.
> You could add to  ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim:
>      let b:spellfile = expand('%:p:h'). '/myspell.latin1.add'
>      if filereadable(b:spellfile)
>          let &l:spf = b:spellfile
>      else
>          setl spf=
>      endif
> This lets each tex file use the spell file myspell.latin1.add from its
> directory.  Example assumes encoding "latin1", and that setting the
> option does not create the spell file yet ...
> or (with b:undo_ftplugin):
>      let b:spellfile = expand('%:p:h'). '/myspell.latin1.add'
>      if filereadable(b:spellfile)
>          let &l:spf = b:spellfile
>          let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|setl spf<'
>      endif
>      let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|unlet! b:spellfile'
> (warning: almost untested)
> Vim automatically creates the .spl files.

I'll definitely give it a go this week (yay, vacation time) and
report back.

Thanks a lot for coming up with this :)


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