On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 05:16:42PM -0400, ping wrote:
> so quick conclusion is:
> no way for ctrl-shift-c/v(like in gnome)
> fn is the only choice (but not convenient)

That's not entirely correct. You can configure your terminal
emulator to send a different keycode for ctrl-shift-c/v if your
emulator supports it - and then map that other key in Vim
(obviously works only for terminal Vim).

For example rxvt-unicode supports remapping the input. The
following entry in .Xdefaults remaps Ctrl-Shift-c to esc x (just
an example, you could also use the F* keys or any other unused

    URxvt.keysym.Control-0x43: \033x

0x43 is the keycode for upper c. Shift-c or Shift-0x63 (0x63 is
c) doesn't work!

Reload the changes:

    $ xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults

Then open a new urxvt window and remap the key in Vim:

    :map <esc>x ...

This should work for any key combination, use xev to get the
keycode for the desired combination. The rxvt man page has
additional information:

    $ man urxvt | less -p '  keysym.sym'

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