On 12:13 Mon 26 Nov     , bilibop project wrote:
> Hi,
> In my .vimrc, I conditionally set the statusline, and store it into a variable
> to use this variable later in autocommands, like this:
> ========== BEGIN 
> =================================================================
> [...]
> set statusline&
> if &filetype!="help" && &filetype!="netrw" && &filetype!="nerdtree" && 
> &filetype!="conque_term" && &filetype!="qf"
>   " Display (truncated) full path of the file with 'User1' highlight settings:
>   setlocal statusline+=%1*%<%F
>   " Add 'modified' and 'readonly' optional flags with 'User2' highlight 
> settings:
>   setlocal statusline+=%2*%m%r%1*
>   " Divider of the line (what follows it is right aligned):
>   setlocal statusline+=%=
>   " Display the number of the buffer with 'User3' highlight settings:
>   setlocal statusline+=%3*%a%1*
>   " Align and display the file type (or 'none') with 'User4' highlight 
> settings:
>   setlocal statusline+=%16.(%4*[%{strlen(&filetype)?&filetype:'none'}]%)
>   " Display file format and file encoding (or default encoding) with 'User5'
>   " highlight settings:
>   setlocal statusline+=%5*[%{&fileformat},\ 
> %{strlen(&fileencoding)?&fileencoding:&encoding}]%1*
>   " Align and display ASCII and Hex values of the character under the cursor
>   " with 'User6' highlight settings:
>   setlocal statusline+=%16.(%6*<%03.5b>\ <0x%02.4B>%)%1*
>   " Align and display the position of the cursor with 'User7' highlight 
> settings:
>   setlocal statusline+=%16.(%7*%l/%L,%c%V%)\ (%P)
> endif
> " Store it into a variable to use it later in autocommands; don't forget
> " to escape spaces and percent signs, and escape the backslashes themselves:
> [The following is on one line:]
> let 
> local_stl="\\%1*\\%<\\%F\\%2*\\%m\\%r\\%1*\\%=\\%3*\\%a\\%1*\\%16.(\\%4*[\\%{strlen(&filetype)?&filetype:'none'}]\\%)\\%5*[\\%{&fileformat},\\
> \\%{strlen(&fileencoding)?&fileencoding:&encoding}]\\%1*\\%16.(\\%6*<\\%03.5b>\\
>  <0x\\%02.4B>\\%)\\%1*\\%16.(\\%7*\\%l/\\%L,\\%c\\%V\\%)\\ (\\%P)"
> [...]
>   autocmd BufLeave,TabLeave,WinLeave * setlocal statusline&
>   autocmd BufEnter,TabEnter,WinEnter * if &filetype=="help" || 
> &filetype=="netrw" || &filetype=="nerdtree" || &filetype=="conque_term" || 
> &filetype=="qf" | setlocal statusline& | else | exe "setlocal statusline=" . 
> local_stl | endif
> [...]
> ========== END 
> ===================================================================
> Then, the default statusline is displayed for 'help', 'nerdtree', 'quickfix', 
> and so on, and the custom statusline is displayed for all other filetypes, 
> but only if it is the active buffer/tab/window. All this works as I want. But 
> if I want to modify something in the very clear (and commented) 'setlocal 
> statusline+=' lines, I have to do the same changes in the obscure 'local_stl' 
> variable. So, what I need is a way to define 'local_stl' by using the 
> '&statusline' content instead of manually; more precisely: how to handle 
> '&statusline' to add escape characters and put the result in my 'local_stl' 
> variable ? I have tried:
> let local_stl=substitute(&statusline, "\([% ]\)", "\\\\\1", "g")
> but this leads to an error:
> Error detected while processing BufEnter Auto commands for "*":
> E518: Unknown option: 
> %{strlen(&fileencoding)?&fileencoding:&encoding}]%1*%16.(%6*<%03.5b>
> Error detected while processing TabEnter Auto commands for "*":
> E518: Unknown option: 
> %{strlen(&fileencoding)?&fileencoding:&encoding}]%1*%16.(%6*<%03.5b>
> Error detected while processing WinEnter Auto commands for "*":
> E518: Unknown option: 
> %{strlen(&fileencoding)?&fileencoding:&encoding}]%1*%16.(%6*<%03.5b>
> and the related part of the statusline (and all what follows) is not 
> displayed.
> It seems the problem is that the space characters behave as separators in the 
> 'local_stl' when used as argument for the 'exe' command, even if they have 
> been escaped before. I don't know how to deal with that.
> Idea?
> Thanks,
> quidame
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You can define a variable local_stl and then do:

setl statusline=%!local_stl

Is this what you need?


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