Sorry I stopped reading the help file too soon!

On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 9:21 AM, stosss <> wrote:
> I didn't find anything in help about being able to see the commands in
> a macro. When I create a mapping I can see what I have typed into the
> mapping so I can figure out what I did wrong if my mapping doesn't
> work as expected the first time. Is it possible to do something like
> this with a recorded macro?
> I took the commands I have in a complex mapping and did them manually
> with copy and paste within a record session. The recording worked up
> to a point and then failed but I don't know where it failed and
> without seeing the commands visually I have to redo the recording from
> start to finish and hope I get it all done correctly. That is a pain.
> Maybe I am thinking about this backwards. Maybe I should use macros
> for the simple things and mappings for the more complex. I need to
> figure out how to create scripts and functions and stuff like that.
> This is what I found in usr_10.txt and repeat.txt following:
> usr_10.txt
> *10.1*  Record and playback commands
> The "." command repeats the preceding change.  But what if you want to do
> something more complex than a single change?  That's where command recording
> comes in.  There are three steps:
> 1. The "q{register}" command starts recording keystrokes into the register
>    named {register}.  The register name must be between a and z.
> 2. Type your commands.
> 3. To finish recording, press q (without any extra character).
> You can now execute the macro by typing the command "@{register}".
> Take a look at how to use these commands in practice.  You have a list of
> filenames that look like this:
>         stdio.h ~
>         fcntl.h ~
>         unistd.h ~
>         stdlib.h ~
> And what you want is the following:
>         #include "stdio.h" ~
>         #include "fcntl.h" ~
>         #include "unistd.h" ~
>         #include "stdlib.h" ~
> You start by moving to the first character of the first line.  Next you
> execute the following commands:
>         qa                      Start recording a macro in register a.
>         ^                       Move to the beginning of the line.
>         i#include "<Esc>        Insert the string #include " at the beginning
>                                 of the line.
>         $                       Move to the end of the line.
>         a"<Esc>                 Append the character double quotation mark (")
>                                 to the end of the line.
>         j                       Go to the next line.
>         q                       Stop recording the macro.
> Now that you have done the work once, you can repeat the change by typing the
> command "@a" three times.
>    The "@a" command can be preceded by a count, which will cause the macro to
> be executed that number of times.  In this case you would type: >
>         3@a
> You might have the lines you want to change in various places.  Just move the
> cursor to each location and use the "@a" command.  If you have done that once,
> you can do it again with "@@".  That's a bit easier to type.  If you now
> execute register b with "@b", the next "@@" will use register b.
>    If you compare the playback method with using ".", there are several
> differences.  First of all, "." can only repeat one change.  As seen in the
> example above, "@a" can do several changes, and move around as well.
> Secondly, "." can only remember the last change.  Executing a register allows
> you to make any changes and then still use "@a" to replay the recorded
> commands.  Finally, you can use 26 different registers.  Thus you can remember
> 26 different command sequences to execute.
> repeat.txt
> 3. Complex repeats                                      *complex-repeat*
>                                                         *q* *recording*
> q{0-9a-zA-Z"}           Record typed characters into register {0-9a-zA-Z"}
>                         (uppercase to append).  The 'q' command is disabled
>                         while executing a register, and it doesn't work inside
>                         a mapping.  {Vi: no recording}
> q                       Stops recording.  (Implementation note: The 'q' that
>                         stops recording is not stored in the register, unless
>                         it was the result of a mapping)  {Vi: no recording}
>                                                         *@*
> @{0-9a-z".=*}           Execute the contents of register {0-9a-z".=*} [count]
>                         times.  Note that register '%' (name of the current
>                         file) and '#' (name of the alternate file) cannot be
>                         used.  For "@=" you are prompted to enter an
>                         expression.  The result of the expression is then
>                         executed.  See also |@:|.  {Vi: only named registers}
>                                                         *@@* *E748*
> @@                      Repeat the previous @{0-9a-z":*} [count] times.
> :[addr]*{0-9a-z".=}                                             *:@* *:star*
> :[addr]@{0-9a-z".=*}    Execute the contents of register {0-9a-z".=*} as an Ex
>                         command.  First set cursor at line [addr] (default is
>                         current line).  When the last line in the register 
> does
>                         not have a <CR> it will be added automatically when
>                         the 'e' flag is present in 'cpoptions'.
>                         Note that the ":*" command is only recognized when the
>                         '*' flag is present in 'cpoptions'.  This is NOT the
>                         default when 'nocompatible' is used.
>                         For ":@=" the last used expression is used.  The
>                         result of evaluating the expression is executed as an
>                         Ex command.
>                         Mappings are not recognized in these commands.
>                         {Vi: only in some versions} Future: Will execute the
>                         register for each line in the address range.
>                                                         *:@:*
> :[addr]@:               Repeat last command-line.  First set cursor at line
>                         [addr] (default is current line).  {not in Vi}
>                                                         *:@@*
> :[addr]@@               Repeat the previous :@{0-9a-z"}.  First set cursor at
>                         line [addr] (default is current line).  {Vi: only in
>                         some versions}

"In the days of ancient Rome when the republic was still a republic,
Lucius Cassius, one of the city's most venerated consuls, famously
coined the phrase cui bono.

It means As a benefit to whom?, and Lucius Cassius, inquisitive and
analytical by nature, was always asking the question... whether he was
investigating a crime or unraveling political corruption." - Simon

Like I have always said, "Follow the flow of the money it always
reveals the truth."

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