On 20/02/13 10:26, Arvid Warnecke wrote:

is there any chance to recover all opened buffers in vim from the
~/.viminfo file somehow?
I understood that vim trashes the buffers list when vim is started with
a specific file to edit. But as I use vim in mutt as my default editor
as well, I always loose my buffers because mutt opens it like this:

`vim /tmp/mutt-archbookPro-1000-895-3021467551525290154`

So it does not help when I try to use only one vim instance running on
my workstation to keep all buffers around.

I read something about v:oldfiles, but I have no clue how this file
might be of any help, because I just have a list of all old files in a
new buffer. I am not able to restore the buffers from it.

Best regards,

Maybe :mksession is the right answer for you...

    :h mksession

see point #7.

Best regards.

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