tested long time no good results...

so the goal here sounds simple: say I have

* a long text file (over 50K lines), and
* each line by itself is a nature paragraph, so sometime is very long (over 1000 charactors).
* there are sometimes one of more empty line in between, sometimes not

I wanted to format it into:

1. if 2 lines are adjoining, add an empty line to as a break
2. if 2 lines already have more than 1 empty lines in between, remove the extra and make sure only one empty line left.
3. trunk the long lines to  multiple lines with each of 80 charactors

initially I though its simple, just a ranged :g can do:

:'<, '>global/.*/exec "normal! gqq"

but this can only do task 3 above. for the task 1 and 2.
I don't know of how to pass the lines found by :g to a function and some more magic there.

so I turned to a normal function, with which I can read each line and do some adjustment there:

func! GQeachline(...) range             "ping: comments
    let lnum=a:firstline

    while lnum <= a:lastline

        let line = getline(lnum)
        let l1len = len(line)
        echom "linenum: " . lnum . "length " . l1len

        if l1len >= 80
            echom "gq this line (" . l1len . " > tw!"
            exec "normal! gqqj"
        elseif line =~ '^\s*$'            "if it's an empty line
            echom "this line is empty"
            echom "this line is short " . l1len

        let lnum=lnum+1



""line number all changed
"    let lnum=a:firstline
"    while lnum <= a:lastline
"        let line = getline(lnum)
"        let l1len = len(line)
"        let nlinenum=lnum+1
"        let nline=getline(nlinenum)
"        if  nline =~ '^\s*$'
"        else
"            exec "normal! o\<esc>"
"        endif
"        let lnum=lnum+1
"    endwhile

command! -range=% -nargs=* GQeachline :<line1>,<line2>call GQeachline(<q-args>)

map ,gQ  :GQeachline<CR>

these doesn't work well either --- once I did a gqq whenver got a longline, I changed the "current" text lines and so the next iteration might not work well. this is especially hard when I tried to insert empty lines based on what are the current lines
I did some research and didn't find an existing solution on this.

I feel this is a very generic task --- think about you got a ure text book (bible) and you just want to format it better...

are there a good way to do it?



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