I've been complaining about Vim related issues for a long time,
I think its time to stop complaining and just fix it.

Join by providing feedback:

or adding additional issues to be fixed here:

The idea is to create a kickstarter project to funding all work.
IMHO Vim is worth keeping alive, and that means we must find a way
to move Vim into the future.

If this requires writing a new language, because C lacks abstracktions,
and C++ is complex, then that's the task to be done IMHO.

This project makes me think we might have success:

Thus if you're either a developper or a user who wants to help join and
tell me what you want to work on - even if its "testing new features you
care about" only.

Goals are:
- focus on productivity
- code reusage

I consider refactoring viml a key thing, eg creating a viml library
which contains the interpreter only.

If you'll help me with this I'll be working on Vim related topics the
following month, otherwise I'll get any alternative job.

I feel I've hit a border meaning some core items must be fixed in order
to improve even further, and most people cannot afford dropping out of
job and work 8 weeks on Vim.

The work will be
  - defining goals
  - fixing them

This work might end 
- in rewriting huge parts
- introducing threading (python, ruby ctrl-c does not work)
- have your whatever beloved interpreter as standard interpreter
- add js support (v8)
- compare with Yzis
- think about whether gobjectIntrospection interface can be used to
  share work on interfacing with interpreters in the future.
- maybe introducing a new higher level language which is friendly to C
  and less complex than C++ - yes, sry - I consider C to be a problem
  because its hard to share code, eg reuse the syntax highlighting from
  within JS and so on.
- ..

Of course if you think "vim is great the way it is" (I agree)
and if you think "nothing should be changed" I tend to disagree.

If you don't receive much feedback I'll try the kickstarter project
adding features I think are most useful to start with.

Marc Weber

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