On Thursday, January 9, 2014 10:42:47 AM UTC-6, Rick Dooling wrote:
> Dear Vim Scripters:
> I know how to run external commands and send the output to new files and 
> such, but I'm wondering if a Vim scripter can help me do something that has 
> to be a common task.
I have tried this:

!pandoc % -o %<.html | tabe %<.html

But I get this error

/bin/bash: tabe: command not found

shell returned 127

Looking for a bash command not a vim command, it seems.

> Assume I have a buffer open in Vim called file.markdown
> I want to run my external markdown processor of choice, say pandoc, on the 
> contents of that buffer and have it appear in a new tab called file.html.
> In other words I don't want a filter to replace the markdown. I want to run 
> the external command and have the output placed in a new appropriately named 
> buffer in a new tab.
> Rick

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