On 21.03.14 12:13, Johnfg wrote:
> I ran the cmds: :nnoremap <m-?> :put="Hello"<cr>.
> In command mode, Alt-? the line at the bottom of the screen shows 
> :put="Hello".

Trying it here, the problem is not with the mapping, but that the :put
command fails, even when executed manually:


causes insertion of a newline only.

> In insert mode, Alt-? inserts an upside down question mark. 

Since the above mapping is only effective in normal mode, that will be
as it was before.

> Obviously, neither of those is doing what we want.  Wasn't the idea that Alt-?
> would put "Hello" on the screen?

Looking at ":h put", you'd gain the impression that it should work as
presented. Why the text is dropped, but the newline makes it, is a
mystery to me too.

(Who might need to update his Vim one of these days.)

"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe 
that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"         - Douglas Adams

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