On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:47:42AM +0000, mascip wrote:
>  - *sc* or *slsc*:
>       ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/slsc/
> a spreadsheet with vim-like keybindings, so not strictly Vim

IMHO, if you're using vim to do handle your spreadsheet needs you're not
doing it right. i mean what happened to "do one thing but do it well"
philosophy of unix?

i would say stay with sc if you want a real spreadsheet calculator. it's
written by the inventor of java so it's like Rod Stewart's work before
he became acunt.

here is the best updated (read cleanest) version i have found 

and watch that space for new features. two thingw i would personally
love to see, and filled a bugs for, are the visual mode and cursor line

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