On 11:22 Tue 25 Mar     , Antoine wrote:
> Hello.
> > I think it just means that either the message space, or the whole  
> > screen, is cleared too fast for you to read it.
> Yes, I think you are right.
> > If you use :echomsg instead of plain :echo, Vim will remember the  
> > message. It will still be cleared just as fast, but you will be able to 
> > make it reappear with :messages
> Thank you for this solution, I modified the ocaml.vim file and it works. 
> However, I consider it more as a workaround than as a solution. I suppose 
> that this is not the "normal" behavior. I can't understand why all other 
> messages (including error messages coming from the same ftplugin file) 
> display normally and always stay on the screen as expected. What could cause 
> the message space to be cleared automatically ?
> Regards,
> Antoine.


You can try to use :redraw or even :redraw! in apropriate place.  See
:h redraw.  You can also try setting 'lazyredraw'.


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