Den 6 jul 2014 01:03 skrev "Ben Fritz" <>:
> On Saturday, July 5, 2014 5:26:15 PM UTC-5, Mark Volkmann wrote:
> > I'm trying to use "syntax region" with start=regex and end=regex, but
having difficulty.
> > I want the region to match what follows the start regex and precedes
the end regex.
> > For example, say I want to match whatever follows "foo" or "bar" and
precedes "baz" or "qux".
> >
> > So in these two examples, the word "test" should be highlighted:
> >
> >
> >   footestbaz
> >   bartestqux
> >
> >
> > Can someone show me an example that is similar to this?
> Why is it important that foo and baz don't get matched? Do you really
need them not part of the match, or is it sufficient if they are matched
but not highlighted? Or, highlighted differently from "test"?

Just out of curiosity (I'm in a vim-less environment ATM) would
start='\%(foo\)\@<=' end='\%(bar\)\@=' work? Would it be undesirable even
if it does work?

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