On Saturday, July 5, 2014 4:01:51 PM UTC-7, Ben Fritz wrote:

> That would be because your :map! command applies also to command-line mode, 
> because you did not specify a specific mode for it to apply in (for example, 
> :imap or :inoremap). This causes a problem because your first mapping, for 
> normal-mode, is allowing recursive mappings. I.e. you used ":map" instead of 
> ":noremap".
> I suggest cleaning up you mappings to specify the specific mode you want, and 
> also to disallow recursive map triggers unless you WANT them to trigger 
> mappings recursively. For example, these two mappings of yours are probably 
> intended to be:
> nnoremap  \\a :. w>> `dictname`<CR>
> inoremap  `d  o<div><CR></div><ESC>O


Thanks for the great reply.  Most of these mappings migrated forward from the 
vi(1) days.  I was aware of these new mapping options but I haven't really 
learned or used them much.  Thanks for jogging my memory.  I reread the manual 
section and rewrite my macro definitions.

> > 1: Is it documented that vim does backtick substitution?  I don't understand
> >    how that is possible when the backtick is being used for motion commands
> >    identical to the forward single quote.
> > 
> That would be :help backtick-expansion. It works in command-line and also 
> within the expression register. Using it for motion commands is in normal 
> mode and completely different, Vim won't expand it there, but you're also not 
> using it in that way.

Thanks again!  I read up on that topic too!


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