On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 6:48 AM, Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net> wrote:

> Shiny Bling wrote:
> > On Friday, 2 January 2015 18:28:19 UTC+1, Дарио Ѓорѓевски  wrote:
> > > The author claims that YouCompleteMe is tricky to get working under
> Windows: https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe
> > >
> > > Are your compiles 32- or 64-bit?
> >
> > 32bit. Is there any real advantage having 64 build?
> Generally there isn't much advantage in a 64 bit build and it uses more
> memory.  What is more important is that all the interfaces work
> correctly.  There were problems with the "open with Vim" menu when using
> 32 bit Vim on a 64 bit windows, but I believe that's solved.
> I don't have time to maintain a Windows build myself.  So far the Cream
> version was a good second choice for users who want a recent Vim.
> Including the required .dll files makes installing a Vim with many
> features a lot simpler.  Perhaps I should add a link to this version on
> the vim download page?
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​I used to maintain https://code.google.com/p/vim-win3264/, but I've
stopped updating it as (a) it's been several years since I switched over to
Macs and (b) there are very few cases where you *need* a 64-bit Vim. Best
to concentrate on getting a really good, comprehensive 32-bit build.
/George V. Reilly  geo...@reilly.org  Twitter: @georgevreilly
*http://georgevreilly.github.io/ <http://georgevreilly.github.io/>*

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