On Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 7:55:59 PM UTC-6, Matthew Jones wrote:
> On Wednesday, December 24, 2014 at 7:55:26 AM UTC-8, kamaraju kusumanchi 
> wrote:
> > Is it possible to move tabs in a gvim window using mouse? Something similar 
> > to the way we can move tabs across in chrome and firefox? In firefox, we 
> > can even attach/detach tabs which would be really cool to have in gvim.
> > 
> You may need to add this to your .gvimrc: 
> set guioptions-=e

Thanks for that, I never would have guessed. On Windows at least, I can drag 
tabs when using the textual "tabline", but not when using the native-gui-style 

I.e. :set guioptions-=e looks a lot less like tabs in appearance, but behaves 
more like tabs than the real tabs used by default with 'e' in the guioptions.

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