
Mark Volkmann schrieb am 04.05.2015 um 12:39:
> I don't see a builtin function to find the index of a substring within a 
> string.
> Does that exist?
> For example, I want something like index('foobarbaz', 'bar') to return 3.
> It seems the index function works on lists, but not strings.

the function is called stridx(). Note that it returns the *byte* index. This
might matter if you have encoding set to UTF-8 and the string in which you
want to search contains non-ASCII letters before the first occurrence of the
search string, e.g.,

  :echo stridx('Jürgen', 'rg')

prints 2 if encoding is set to latin1, but prints 3 if encoding is set to


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in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.     (Calvin)

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