On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 11:33 AM, BPJ <b...@melroch.se> wrote:

> I have succeeded in writing a function which splits the contents of a
> visual selection on a pattern, reverses the resulting list, joins it
> together on a separator and puts the result back into the visual selection
> (Yes that's kind of basic, right?):
>     fun! RevList(...)
>         let reg_save=@@
>         let pattern=!exists('a:1') ? '\s*,\s*' : a:1
>         let sep=!exists('a:2') ? ', ' : a:2
>         normal gvy
>         let @@=join(reverse(split(@@,pattern)),sep)
>         normal gvp
>         let @@=reg_save
>     endfun
> What I want to do is to make this smart enough to not split on commas (or
> whatever) which are inside quotes, so how do I extract all substrings which
> match a pattern rather than split on a pattern, the equivalent of `my @list
> = $string =~ m/($pattern)/g` in Perl? (Hopefully a pattern like
> '\v%(%(\s*\,\s*)@!.)+' will match the non-quoted parts...)

     I think you want to split on any comma that is not preceded by
unbalanced quotation marks.   If you have to deal correctly with single and
double quotation marks, then I am not sure it can be done with regular
expressions.  As a starting point, see the notslash variable in
.  What you want is a lot more complicated.  I assume that escaped quotes,
like '\"', inside other quotes, do not count.

     Maybe you can work with something like this (after removing the
spaces, assuming \v):

( [^,] | " ( [^"] | notslash \\")* " | ' ( [^'] | notslash \\')* ' ){-} \zs

Benji Fisher

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