
I sent the question "write a very basic syntax file" yesterday to this forum.
Thanks to the help provided I managed to write it.
But I have a couple of related questions.


(1) I was suggested to search for the inline help

      :help new-filetype

However, if I do that, I get this

      "filetype.txt.gz" [readonly][noeol][converted] 26L, 12168C
      E434: Can't find tag pattern
      Press ENTER or type command to continue

And therefore after hitting ENTER I only get garbage.
Why did that happen?


(2) Following the recommendations, I created a new filetype file as


and the syntax file as


But what if I want it to be part of the system?
In particular, if I want to distribute it as an RPM?
If I am not mistaken, for RHEL 6, the syntax files go under


and the filetype one is


Is that correct?
Is it always that PATH for RHEL hosts?
Is not possible to have separate filetype.vim files, `a la`
/.../filetype.d/  or similar?
I am asking this because creating new files with RPM is easy, adding
content to existing ones can be a truly nightmare :)


Once again, thanks a lot in advance.

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