On 2016-03-26 17:56:34 +0000, Bram Moolenaar said:

Nicola wrote:

Then, everything should work as before, with the exception of YCM, which must
now be loaded manually. To do so, I need

:packadd youcompleteme

but also

:call youcompleteme#Enable()

because :packadd does not trigger VimEnter.

This is a bit a of a pain. How about having `:packadd` trigger an event that
plugins may hook to?

I'm not sure what you mean.  Doesn't youcompleteme do its initialization
when it is being loaded?

Hmm, maybe it relies on being sourced early, and has a VimEnter
autocommand to trigger initialization?

Exactly. See:


It has:

autocmd VimEnter * call youcompleteme#Enable()

I suppose there is no easy way to know if VimEnter already fired.
Perhaps we need a flag that indicatest this, so you can do:

        if v:vim_did_enter
          call s:init()
          au VimEnter * call s:init()

Something like that?

For YCM, that would work. I don't know what else a plugin can do at startup that
would not do if loaded at a later time (other types of autocmds?).


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