Hi Bram,

At first, I have to say one thing: minpac is actually a plugin manager using
the packages feature, not a package manager.  It cannot download packages and
install them.
(Maybe it's better to fix the document.)

2017/4/22 Sat 22:18:04 UTC+9 Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Ken Takata wrote:
> > I announce release of minpac ver 1.0.
> > It is a minimal package manager for Vim 8 (and Neovim).
> > 
> >   https://github.com/k-takata/minpac
> > 
> > Minpac utilizes the packages feature of Vim 8, and uses the jobs feature for
> > parallel install/update.  So, it is simple and fast.
> > 
> > Have fun!
> Thanks for making this.
> Some questions pop up when reading the first page:
> - Does this only work with git repositories?

Yes, minpac supports only git repositories. Nowadays most Vim plugins have
each git repository.
I don't have a plan to support other types of plugins.
I want to keep minpac simple.

> - Does it automatically update, or does the user need to execute a
>   command to update the packages?

It doesn't automatically update. If a user want to update plugins,
he need to execute:

    call minpac#update()

Minpac doesn't define a command for this, but the user define a command for
this by himself if he want.

> - It mentions "start" plugins and "opt" plugins, who makes that choice?

The user should specify this as an argument of `minpac#add()`.
For "start" plugins:

    call minpac#add('account/plugin')
    call minpac#add('account/plugin', {'type': 'start'})

For "opt" plugins:

    call minpac#add('account/plugin', {'type': 'opt'})

> - Is there a list of packages and how to add them?

As I wrote above, minpac actually doesn't manage packages.  It only handles
one package, `~/.vim/pack/minpac` by default.

About a list of plugins, the user should register the plugins by `minpac#add()`.
Normally he will write a list in his .vimrc like this:

    call minpac#add('account1/plugin1')
    call minpac#add('account1/plugin2')
    call minpac#add('account2/plugin3')
    call minpac#add('https://example.com/account3/plugin4.git')

This is similar to other plugin managers: Vundle, vim-plug, dein.vim, etc.

Ken Takata

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