On So, 21 Mai 2017, BPJ wrote:

> I have an HTML file with lots of pairs of lines like these:
>     <td colspan="1" rowspan="2" title="pb">bb</td>
>     <!-- pb bb -->
> I want to join the two lines so that the comment comes at the end of the
> preceding line so I do `:g/<!--/-1j`. It works in that the two lines are
> joined, but the `<!--` disappears so that I get
>     <td colspan="1" rowspan="2" title="pb">bb</td> pb bb -->
>                                                   ^
>                                                   |
>     Nothing here! --------------------------------+
> I found a workaround
>     :g/<!-- /s//&&
>     :g/<!--/-1
> but I can't shake the feeling that this is not correct behavior, or is it?

Please check your formatoptions setting.

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                -- Alexander Sutherland Neill

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