2017-05-27 18:02 GMT+03:00 Brett Stahlman <brettstahl...@gmail.com>:
> On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 8:35 AM, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov
> <zyx....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2017-05-27 12:45 GMT+03:00 Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net>:
>>> Nikolay Pavlov wrote:
>>>> 2017-05-26 20:43 GMT+03:00 Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net>:
>>>> >
>>>> > Brett Stahlman wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> >> On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 8:25:33 AM UTC-5, Brett Stahlman wrote:
>>>> >> >> > On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:35 AM, Bram Moolenaar 
>>>> >> >> > <b...@moolenaar.net> wrote:
>>>> >> >> > >
>>>> >> >> > > Brett Stahlman wrote:
>>>> >> >> > >
>>>> >> >> %--snip--%
>>>> >> >> > >
>>>> >> >> > > The best solution is probably to also add the raw rhs, with the 
>>>> >> >> > > terminal
>>>> >> >> > > codes replaced.  This won't work when changing the terminal 
>>>> >> >> > > type, but
>>>> >> >> > > that is very unlikely to happen.
>>>> >> >> >
>>>> >> >> > You mean adding a key such as "raw_rhs" to the dictionary returned 
>>>> >> >> > by
>>>> >> >> > maparg()? If so, then yes this would help, but there would still 
>>>> >> >> > need to
>>>> >> >> > be a way to determine lhs, which is currently even more ambiguous 
>>>> >> >> > than
>>>> >> >> > rhs. While it's true that I probably already have lhs if I'm 
>>>> >> >> > calling
>>>> >> >> > maparg(), I need a way to determine which lhs(s) is/are ambiguous 
>>>> >> >> > with a
>>>> >> >> > given lhs. Mapcheck() gives me only the rhs of the conflicting 
>>>> >> >> > map. To
>>>> >> >> > save and restore, I'd need to know the lhs in canonical form as 
>>>> >> >> > well.
>>>> >> >>
>>>> >> >> Perhaps mapcheck() could take an optional arg requesting something 
>>>> >> >> more than a simple boolean return. When called with this extra arg, 
>>>> >> >> mapcheck() could return a conflicting/ambiguous lhs (or list 
>>>> >> >> thereof) in some canonical format (possibly determined by the value 
>>>> >> >> of the extra arg itself). As long as the format returned could be 
>>>> >> >> fed to maparg(), it would be possible to find conflicting mappings, 
>>>> >> >> remove them temporarily, and subsequently restore them...
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> > If you define a mapping you will want to know whether the mapping
>>>> >> > already exists and needs to be restored.  For that you can use 
>>>> >> > maparg(),
>>>> >> > no need to use mapcheck().
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> > Not sure why you would want to remove "conflicting" mappings. Perhaps
>>>> >> > when you map the ; key, and the user has ;x mapped?  Then you would 
>>>> >> > need
>>>> >> > a list.  Adding a maplist() function would be better than adding
>>>> >> > arguments to mapcheck().
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Yes. Very much like that. I'm implementing a sort of transient mode, in
>>>> >> which I'll "shadow" existing maps with very short (generally single
>>>> >> character) mappings, which are expected to be ambiguous/conflicting with
>>>> >> existing maps, and even builtin operators. Of course, when I exit the
>>>> >> transient mode, I'd need to restore the mappings that were shadowed.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The global and builtin maps are not a problem, since the transient maps 
>>>> >> use
>>>> >> <buffer> and <nowait>; however, without parsing the output of one of 
>>>> >> the :map
>>>> >> functions, I have no way of knowing which buf-local mappings will be 
>>>> >> ambiguous
>>>> >> with the transient maps I'm defining. And parsing the :map output is
>>>> >> problematic for the reasons already mentioned: e.g., no way to tell the
>>>> >> difference between function key <F8> and the corresponding 4 
>>>> >> characters. I'd
>>>> >> actually considered taking some sort of iterative approach: e.g., 
>>>> >> trying all
>>>> >> possible permutations of lhs as input to maparg() and testing the 
>>>> >> results, in
>>>> >> an attempt to deduce the canonical form, but this would be extremely 
>>>> >> messy,
>>>> >> and I don't even know whether it would be deterministic... The maplist()
>>>> >> function you mentioned, if it returned all ambiguous left hand sides in
>>>> >> canonical form, or even a list of the corresponding maparg()-style
>>>> >> dictionaries, would be perfect. Of course, there would also need to be 
>>>> >> a way
>>>> >> to get the rhs's canonical form: e.g., the extra "raw_rhs" key in the 
>>>> >> maparg()
>>>> >> or maplist() dictionary.
>>>> >
>>>> > OK, so for this you would use maplist() to get the list of mappings to
>>>> > disable, use maparg() to get the current mapping, clear the mapping, do
>>>> > your stuff, then restore the cleared mappings.  You then need to make
>>>> > sure you restore the mappings exactly as they were, even when your
>>>> > "stuff" fails miserably.
>>>> >
>>>> > It's a lot easier if we would have a way to temporarily disable
>>>> > mappings.  It's mostly the same as above, but you won't need to use
>>>> > maparg() to get the current mapping and the restore operation.  Instead
>>>> > you would disable instead of clear, and later re-enable instead of
>>>> > restore.  Still need to make sure the re-enbling does happen, no change
>>>> > in that part.
>>>> Not sure I understood what exactly you suggest to disable/restore. All
>>>> mappings at once with one command? I would actually disagree here: I
>>>> need something similar for translit3, but it only remaps
>>>> single-character mappings, leaving most of other user mappings alone.
>>>> One mapping at a time? It would be good, but given that request is
>>>> temporary remapping naming the functionality enable/disable looks
>>>> strange. And there are still issues with determining {lhs}.
>>> Let's use an example: Suppose a plugin has a special mode for entering
>>> data (e.g. chemical formulas).  It would then map some keys, e.g. "a".
>>> If the user already has a mapping for "a" it needs to be restored when
>>> leaving the special mode.  If the user has mappings starting with "a" we
>>> would like to disable those, to avoid the timeout waiting for the next
>>> character.
>>> We do not want to disable mappings that don't interfere, to maximise the
>>> freedom for the user to use other mappings at the same time.
>>>> One of the logical variants would be `:map <push> {lhs}
>>>> {new-rhs}`/`:unmap <push> {lhs}`+`:map <pop> {lhs}`, but this is hard
>>>> to implement and is rather limited, though less limited then
>>>> enable/disable everything variant.
>>> This quickly gets complicated if we need to take into account all the
>>> possible modes a mapping can be used in.
>>>> I would instead suggest a function mappings_dump()/mappings_add():
>>>> first is similar to `nvim[_buf]_get_keymap` and should dump all
>>>> mappings as a list of maparg()-like dictionaries. Second should define
>>>> mappings being given a list of them. Of course, this means that
>>>> dictionaries need to be fixed to allow correctly saving/restoring.
>>>> The advantages:
>>>> 1. Easier to implement. Code for creating a maparg() dictionary is
>>>> already there, iterating over all mappings is not a problem. Results
>>>> needs to be incompatible with maparg() or use additional keys though:
>>>> e.g. Neovim altered the contents of `noremap` and `buffer` keys: first
>>>> is now 0, 1 or 2 (you can’t correctly restore a mapping if you can’t
>>>> distinguish `map <script>` and `noremap`) and second is a buffer
>>>> number or zero.
>>>> 2. More flexible: you can save and restore everything, push or pop
>>>> individual mappings, create a temporary mapping which is just like
>>>> mapping X, but has `<Plug>(Translit3TemporaryMap)` lhs instead (to be
>>>> returned from `<expr>` mappings in order to select either plugin
>>>> behaviour or fall back to previously present user mapping instead).
>>>>    I can imagine other usages enable/disable or push/pop could not
>>>> achieve: generating configuration with mappings like :mkvimrc, but
>>>> allows doing adjustments (parsing `:mkvimrc` output is not fun,
>>>> especially if you want to be forward compatible), creating a plugin
>>>> which analyses how often different mappings are used (need to copy all
>>>> mappings to temporary then replace existing mappings with plugin
>>>> ones).
>>>> 3. This is also forward compatible: just need to state in the
>>>> documentation that new significant keys may be added in the future to
>>>> the dictionaries so they should be preserved.
>>> I don't see much use for this.  I can't think of a practical example how
>>> a plugin manipulates mappings it didn't create itself or even knows what
>>> they are for.
>> Still Vim has :mkvimrc which does manipulate (dump) mappings from
>> third-party plugins. Also I need this functionality for some <expr>
>> mappings: if some condition is true (e.g. `>` is preceded by `-` (C,
>> completion) or transliteration mode was enabled, or transliteration
>> mode is enabled *and* character that does not start a new
>> transliteration sequence is a continuation of previous one) use plugin
>> mapping. If it is false, fall back to whatever was there previously,
>> including falling back to whatever mapping was there previously.
>> Also check https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/6123, this is the
>> issue backing Neovim nvim_get_keymap() API function.
>>> Another complication is that mappings can be added/removed by other
>>> mappings and by autocommands.
>> I do not see how this complication is relevant to the discussion. I.e.
>> I do not see how this complication should affect usage or
>> implementation of both proposed changes.
>>> Disabling and re-enabling mappings is definitely more efficient than
>>> removing and adding-back mappings.
>> And it is also definitely both harder to implement and less flexible.
> Harder to implement, perhaps, but not necessarily less
> flexible. Though the discussion thus far has centered mostly
> on enable/disable functionality, there's nothing about the map
> handle interface that limits it to this. It could support
> query and execute functions, for instance. For cases in which
> you wish to keep the original behavior, but need to "wrap" it
> somehow, you could use the map handle to attach prolog/epilog
> callback functions to a map. Presumably, such callback
> functions (which could be either lambdas or funcrefs) would
> accept an argument that allowed them to obtain information
> about the original map, possibly even its exact lhs and rhs.
> The prolog callback would be even more useful if Vim provided
> a way (e.g., nonzero return) for it to abort the original map.

Enable, disable, query, execute plus two callbacks. *Four* functions
and two callbacks in place of just two simple functions, mostly using
the functionality that is already there. Five if you remember about
:mkvimrc and that somebody may want to replace that on top of new API:
query will need a mirror function for creating a mapping then.

This is going to introduce a big amount of bugs just to add the
flexibility which is naturally available through a much simpler
approach. Emulating everything you mention on top of current VimL
state plus mappings_dump()/mappings_load() / (mappings_clear()*) is
not going to make plugins considerably slower (as long as you can
operate on lists and use `map()`/`filter()`/etc: main VimL
optimization principle is “the less Ex commands the faster the code”)
and I do not see any other benefits, except for “with some handles
implementation it may be slightly easier to pinpoint third-party
plugins’ bugs”.

* Found an issue in my proposal: `:execute 'unmap'` would not be easy
or efficient to use, so additionally need either `mappings_clear({list
to clear})` or make `mappings_load()` unmap mappings when rhs key is

> Hmm... This may be overkill, but it might even be possible to
> support the idea of a "virtual map handle": i.e., a handle not
> to a specific map, but to a *set* of maps matching certain
> criteria: e.g., <buffer>, <expr>, maps matching a mode mask,
> maps starting with specific char(s), etc...  Once such a
> virtual handle had been obtained, a single call would suffice
> to enable/disable, or even attach callbacks to all maps in the
> set. Of course, some operations (e.g., execute) would be
> permitted only on non-virtual (single map) handles.

And this is just mappings_dump() + filter() with my approach without
any need to invent a new DSL to describe criterias (or not invent DSL,
but use VimL expressions which would be just as efficient as
filter()). If I got it right then plus some way to attach callbacks to
“new mapping defined” event to keep “callback attached” state.

> Sincerely,
> Brett Stahlman
>>> --
>>> BLACK KNIGHT: I'm invincible!
>>> ARTHUR:       You're a looney.
>>>                  "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES 
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>>>  /// Bram Moolenaar -- b...@moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
>>> ///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
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