2017-06-11 18:36 GMT+03:00 Ni Va <nivaem...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Trying this
> let file = readfile(expand("%:p"),'b')
> let g:file=map(copy(file),'v:val.":".index(copy(file), v:val)')
> returns -1 for each v:val of list 'file' out of 0, 1 , 2 etc..

There is `v:key`, do not use `index()` here; and using `copy()` in
`index()` is not needed. And I am unable to reproduce your problem
(vim 8.0.582), maybe need a specific set of options or specific file
contents: using file created with `writefile(range(10),
'/tmp/filename')` for the test.

Wondering whether you understand that without the context (is this
placed in a function?) `g:file` and `file` are the same variables?
(Inside a function `file` would be `l:file`.) Though based on my
knowledge of VimL this should not matter in this code: `file` will be
reassigned only after expression evaluation finishes.

> Thank you
> --
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