On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 at 5:23:04 AM UTC-5, John Little wrote:
> Glenn Todd Miller replied to my post by e-mail, because he wanted to include 
> screenshots.  
> They demonstrate that he is using
> :inoremap <ScrollWheelDown> <nop>
> but as I suggested be checked out, Glenn is getting ^[OA and ^[OB arrow key 
> sequences when the mouse wheel is used.
> What could be causing this?  I have no idea, other than I'm told it's 
> possible using easystroke, an X mouse gesture tool.  His CentOS is
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.5 (Santiago)
> Regards, John Little

Hi Jone,

Have you found any solution of this issue, I'm still suffering from this on 
Ubuntu 16.04: my mouse scroll up/down are binded to keyboard arrow up/down. My 
terminal is konsole.

It would be greatly appreciated if you have some clue of why this happened.


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